Indian Hindu Wedding

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Vivaah Is marriage as it is practiced by Hindus in the Indian subcontinent For any Indian parents, wedding is the most awaited ceremony for their children. Indian wedding can also called as ‘Vivaah’. Indian wedding vary by religion, locality, preferences … Continued

American wedding in Rome

pubblicato in: Wedding | 0

Jenny & Gustavo American Wedding In Italy Destination Wedding Rome   Jenny e Gustavo sono una coppia Americana, Precisamente dalla stupenda Miami. Quando jenny mi ha contattato tramite Instagram abbiamo subito instaurato un rapporto di simpatia reciproca, arrivando facilmente a … Continued

My Fantastic 2018

pubblicato in: Events | 0

My fantastic 2018 Top 10 Fearless Photos Judge collection 46 Wedding Photojournalist Association – WPJA 2nd Runner Up for 2018 – Top 3 ISPWP top 4 in 2018 First Place Winter Collection Master of Italian wedding Photographer … Continued

ISPWP- Top 4 Best Wedding Photographer in the World | Pasquale Minniti | Blog

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Top Wedding Photographer in the World 2018 was a fantastic year for me. Those who follow me have noticed that after the 1 place in the Master of Italian wedding and in Inspiration wedding Photographer (Brazil) I close 2018 with … Continued

Ispwp | International Award |

pubblicato in: Events, Wedding | 0

Destination Wedding Italian Wedding Photographer The International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers is an organization of the best wedding photographers in the world. It was created by professional photographers to raise the standards of the wedding photography profession. We are … Continued

Wedding Photojournalist Association (WPJA)

pubblicato in: Events, Wedding | 0

Five New Award Pasquale Minniti Wedding Photographer Sin dalla sua fondazione nel 2002, la Wedding Photojournalist Association (WPJA) è stata l’autorità fidata per le coppie di fidanzati che cercavano di documentare il loro matrimonio e i suoi partecipanti quel giorno, … Continued

A crazy Prewedding In italy

pubblicato in: Wedding | 0

Wedding Trash the Dress Titty & Nino   Amo le mie coppie, perché riescono sempre con tanta grinta e passione a farmi realizzare delle foto davvero uniche e piene di divertimento. Nemmeno la pioggia è riuscita a fermarci… Per questo … Continued

Wedding Photojournalist Association (WPJA)

pubblicato in: Events, Wedding | 0

Four New International Award Wedding Photojournalist Association (WPJA) Sin dalla sua fondazione nel 2002, la Wedding Photojournalist Association (WPJA) è stata l’autorità fidata per le coppie di fidanzati che cercavano di documentare il loro matrimonio e i suoi partecipanti quel … Continued